Executive Director Letter - July 2024

Submitted by Stacey Kimberly on
July ED Letter

As we approach the final weeks of summer, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the season and share some thoughts on how to make the most of this time, both personally and professionally. 

Summer is a time of warmth, growth, and renewal. The longer days and the vibrant energy of the season provide us with a unique opportunity to recharge, refocus, and rejuvenate. As professionals, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind, but summer reminds us of the importance of balance and the power of a refreshed mind. 

One of the simplest ways to recharge is by spending more time outdoors. Whether it's taking your work to a local park, going for a walk during lunch breaks, or planning a weekend getaway, immersing yourself in nature can boost creativity and reduce stress. The outdoors offers a fresh perspective, reminding us of the bigger picture and helping us return to our tasks with renewed energy.  Colorado offers so many great opportunities to experience the great outdoors.  Whether it is heading to the mountains, hiking one of the many 14ers, hitting many of the great bike trails, or playing a round of golf....   Speaking of golf... did you know the CMLA golf tournament is just 3 weeks away and we still have some foursomes left! Or if you are on the Western Slope think about joining us for the 2nd annual Pickle Ball Tournament! 

As summer winds down, it's a great time to reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year. What have you achieved? What needs more focus? Use this time to set new, attainable goals for the remainder of the year. Consider both personal and professional objectives, and don't be afraid to aim high. This season is about growth and transformation, so let your aspirations reflect that. It just so happens that CMLA is hosting a Vision Board Workshop next month to help with this! 

Summer is also an excellent opportunity to invest in yourself. Consider taking a course, attending a workshop, or diving into a book that challenges you. Continued learning not only enhances your skills but also keeps your mind sharp and adaptable. Embrace the chance to learn something new and watch how it positively impacts your professional journey. CMLA is always offering different workshops, CE offerings and roundtables all year round and all over the state, be sure to always check our website! 

The laid-back nature of summer provides a perfect backdrop for strengthening relationships. Take time to connect with colleagues, mentors, and friends. Attend networking events or simply catch up over a coffee. Building relationships can open doors to new opportunities and provide a support system that enriches your life. The CMLA Convention is the perfect time each year to rekindle professional relationships. We are so excited to be in Vail at the peak of the Fall colors this year, so you will not want to miss this year’s convention! 

Finally, as we savor the last weeks of summer, take a moment each day to practice gratitude. Reflect on the experiences and accomplishments that have brought you joy this season. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, fostering a positive mindset that fuels success. 

Let’s embrace these final weeks of summer with intention and enthusiasm. Let's push the boundaries of what we think is possible and step confidently into the future, knowing that we are more than capable of achieving greatness. Remember, this is your time to shine, grow, and make lasting memories that will carry you through the rest of the year.


Betty Knecht

CMLA Executive Director