Executive Director Letter - March 2024

Submitted by Stacey Kimberly on
March ED Letter

This last month, all of us in Colorado and across most of the country took part in the annual tradition of “Spring Forward.” The practice of changing the clocks forward or backward twice a year is a tradition that persists despite mounting evidence suggesting its outdated nature and minimal benefits.

In the realm of human habits and traditions, there are few practices as universally accepted yet fiercely debated as the changing of the clocks twice a year. The biannual ritual of adjusting our clocks forward or backward by an hour has become a deeply ingrained part of modern life.
The concept of daylight saving time (DST) dates back over a century, introduced as a means to make better use of daylight during the summer months and conserve energy. However, as our societies have evolved technologically and economically, the original reasons for implementing DST have become less relevant. Despite numerous studies showing minimal energy savings and even potential negative impacts on health and productivity, many regions continue to observe the time change.

As with any long-standing tradition, there comes a time when it's necessary to question its continued relevance and impact. In recent years, there has been a growing chorus of voices advocating for the abolition of daylight saving time, citing its disruptive effects on sleep patterns, mental health, and overall well-being.
This year, the Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association (CMLA) is steadfastly committed to keeping things fresh and relevant. We are closely looking at what CMLA has to offer and tweaking, adding and changing as needed. We want to make sure everyone is getting the most out of their membership. We have already added some new programs and events like the Loan Officer Roundtables and Coffees with Dieter. We have revamped and updated the Mortgage Leadership Program.  We have added Business Coaching Sessions as part of your membership. We recognize that the way you are doing business has changed and so should the association.

We have completely rebranded and reinvented what used to be the Expo.  We are proud and excited to present the new format:

Keynote Session - Everyone is invited to listen to this year’s keynote speaker with an incredible story that is sure to spark your curiosity and lead you to wonder what new goals you can set for yourself and where your dreams can take you

Education Sessions - In the place of the breakout sessions, this year we are planning several industry-specific TED Talks designed to educate, inspire, and get you thinking

Exhibitor Booths - There will be extensive exhibitor booth space for mortgage affiliates and lenders to spread their brand awareness and offer demos of their products

Happy Hour - A networking happy hour will round out the day and allow all of our industry professionals time to check in with clients, colleagues, and friends

Mortgage Awards! New this year, we will recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of industry professionals who have demonstrated excellence in the mortgage lending sector

Through proactive initiatives and strategic partnerships, CMLA continuously seeks innovative solutions to address the evolving needs and challenges of both lenders and borrowers. By fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, CMLA encourages its members to embrace new technologies, best practices, and regulatory changes, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the industry. CMLA empowers its members to adapt, thrive, and drive positive change within the mortgage lending landscape.

Thank you for helping us pave the way and begin new traditions and not doing things, just because we have always done them!

Betty Knecht
Executive Director